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February 02, 2006
We should all just read blogs and be happy.
I'm really craving a game to play. I mean, I dunno why. I could be playing any number of games... I still need to finish up Final Fantasy IV for instance. But that doesn't do it for me... I want something to play while I'm chatting. Something that will draw me in a bit more than Albatross... I dunno, mann... part of me wanting a game involves me dreaming of a 360 hooked up to the TV over there and me playing wirelessly over here, but that's a terrible idea. I really don't need one. I mean, I'm going to end up with one. I do with everything I get this obsessed with. It happens. But luckily, thanks to the price point, I can keep holding off for awhile, at least.
So my TV in my room died today. Just totally died. Won't turn on. Can't do shite. Dead as a doornail. Mom tells me to steal Jonathan's. Yeah, that'll show him to move out. I haven't stolen it yet, but I probably will before I go to bed.
Had something else to say... um... nope, it's gone. Bye! No... wait... new Crappy Asst up. Yeah, okay. There we go. Later!
Posted by poetfox at February 2, 2006 12:42 AM
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