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February 08, 2006
So yesterday, my mom comes up to me and goes "Hey. Hey. Would you like 200 dollars? Hey. Hey. Have 200 dollars." And I'm like "Um... okay?" She only ended up giving me 130. I'm still totally confused as to why she suddenly wanted to give me money to buy a new TV, but I did. It's huge. Alot bigger than I need in my room. But I'm like, "Hmm, okay... I got this one 15 inch one... or this flat screen 20 inch for cheaper... hmm..." So I have a pretty big flat screen TV in my room that I got for a hundred and four dollars. Yay? And I still have money left over for lunch. Yay!
It's snowing today. It's crazy. Shouldn't I have been warned or something? Daymn.
I've successfully resisted the GP2X, by the way, even though it is pretty cool. I wouldn't use it enough. I was going to download Mame and some King of Fighters action just for on the compy, but then I decided against that too. *shrugs* I have KoF '99 for my Dreamcast somewhere... and Capcom Vs. SNK 2 somewhere...
I always wonder about like... arcade sticks. I play fighters on a quasiregular basis, but I always just use a gamepad... I've obviously played games in arcades with their sticks (I wish our shitty arcade still had JoJo's Venture... I also wish I owned it on Dreamcast), and I mean, it was nice... but is the arcade stick at home really going to improve my game? Unlikely. I'm not THAT obsessed. Heh.
So, simply because I am in love with Steam and I haven't played one of those kinds of games since... Alpha Centauri... and before that Acendancy, which is an old school DOS game that most of the world hasn't heard of... anyway, I'm playing that new Space Empires IV game that's on Steam. It's like Acendancy after years of making the genre more complicated. I'm never very combative in these games... my first campaign is going alright, I suppose. The one thing I like the most about this game? It plays in the full screen... but it's a windowed full screen. I can just slide my mouse to the side of the screen and it slides over into the other one without any issue or problem or alt-tabbing or anything. It's fucking awesome. Great game to play while chatting, especailly since, being fully turn-based, I can be distracted from it for as long as I want. Yay! If there is someone out there who got it as well and wants to start a PBEM campaign, let me know? I doubt such a person is out there, but... heh... can't hurt to ask.
Alpha Centauri... I loved that game. I dunno why. I can barely stand Civilization, really. And it was Civ in space. But I loved it. I always played the Gaians or the Nature lover people or whatever the hell they were called. I did this because I felt bad for them, because every game I played when I was another faction, they died within the first 10 turns. So I would become them and I would focus solely on sea bases and I would use Psi-stuff because I got a bonus to it and it always seemed like I was fighting The Hive or the Bible people, who tend to be very suspectable to the Psi-ness. And it was fun. And that was my Alpha Centauri storyishness. I played it online once. I lost badly. Heh.
I'm off tonight. Thee. Enduh.
Posted by poetfox at February 8, 2006 11:57 AM
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