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February 19, 2006
Some thoughts of last night, written by me, for someone to read.
It's a grandmother food day. Yay? Yay.
Okay, watched MirrorMask last night. It was everything I had expected it to be, meaning it was good. So, you know, if you need a movie to watch I highly recommend it. Apparently Ecks is all down on the Gaiman because he's not hip or something. Silly boy, depriving himself of awesome...
The watching of the movie also spawned the creation of one of the worst euphemisms (is that spelled right?) ever created by mankind. We find it's more effective describing impotence, though.
Something about my torrent just dislikes my browsing habits. I don't remember torrenting ever screwing up browsing quite this much... but it'll be worth it, mann. Beatmania! It's about 50 percent done. Estimated time of being done is like in two days. Whee!
That's pretty retarded.
Posted by poetfox at February 19, 2006 11:11 AM
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