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February 15, 2006
Should I talk about Feelinz?
I talk alot on here about... you know... what I think is cool (like, say, The Ricky Gervais Show) and what stupid projects I am working on or have completed, but I really don't talk about my feelings very much on here anymore. It's mostly because people, I dunno, that see me everyday now, apparently, look at this on occasion, so I worry about speaking my mind. I don't want to do any sort of... passive agressive attacks on people. But at the same time, it would be nice to write about my feelings more. Probably wouldn't make an interesting blog, but... I dunno. Do I care about making an interesting blog? Do I care about people reading it? Fuck if I know.
I keep making the rounds about town to see if anyone has a 360 in to buy. This is not really a smart move on my part, but I continue to do it. I just... I've been really more down on myself lately, all my stupid mumbling and whatnot, and I just feel like if I had something that I knew could draw me away, that I wanted to do more than sitting in front of the computer without anything to do, then, you know, I could distract myself when I started to do that shite. Would the 360 do this? Honestly, unlikely... I really don't play console games much anymore... and yet, I still want one. I'm retarded. I'd probably get better results using the money to upgrade or totally redo my PC... but even that, you know... probably wouldn't be worth the money... I should save it... or, I dunno... kill someone... or me... or something. And then hire a good lawyer.
Posted by poetfox at February 15, 2006 01:52 AM
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