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February 10, 2006
I worked a, like, 11 hour shift. Give me a cookie.
Hi there! It's four in the morning! I just got home from work! 5 in the evening until 4 in the morning shift, mann! That's some nice monies... and stuff. But also makes me wonder if I should even take the time to go to bed. I mean, seriously.
I had a short story idea at work. I dunno if I will write it, though, because it is so very... I dunno. Obvious, maybe? Bent to my own personal view and situation? But we'll see. If I feel up to it tommorow and it turns out well, I'll let you know.
Guess I'll try to sleep now. All the good late night shows are over already, though. SUX0RZ!
Posted by poetfox at February 10, 2006 04:01 AM
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