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February 19, 2006
Yeah, so, I just beat Turtles in Time. Why? Fuck if I know. I just did, mann! Estimated amount of money I would have spent if I had really been in an arcade, at least 20 bucks. At least.
Moments ago, I almost gave in and bought an arcade stick. But I resisted. I told myself "Hey, you know what? Your problem is you don't like the D-pad on your gamepad. You could get ANOTHER gamepad with a D-pad you do like for 20-30 dollars, and then you would have TWO gamepads and could play multiplayer. You will also have saved SHITLOADS OF CASH!" So, yeah, I didn't get it. Good for me.
That story was totally not interesting. I RULE! I TELL STUPID STORIES!
So, if you have a PSP, you owe it to yourself to book mark this on it, cause it's fucking awesome. I put it on my PSP start page for myself... I think it even works better in a normal browser than AIM Express, although I haven't tried it... Brer is going to, though, so I'll let you know. But it works great on the PSP, besides the typing issue (USB Keyboard, where art thou???), though it uses two of your three tabs... although I dunno why you would use tabs on the PSP browser at all, as you can do one thing sorta okay, but I couldn't imagine doing more than one. But yeah, you can flip between the chat window (where every conversation you're having is tabbed, if you can keep up with more than one on Cellphone keyboard) and your buddy list and yeah, exciting.
I am listening to this interview with Neil Gaiman on the DVD for Mirrormask and it's amazingly boring. Huh.
Posted by poetfox at February 19, 2006 07:58 PM
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