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January 10, 2006
Words are random and wonderful.
Now THAT is pretty exciting news. ^_^ I mean, you can't get more basic than Tetris, but 4 players on the Wifi Connection? Nothing fucking wrong with that!
I'm currently watching more Battlestar: Galactica. It's a really damn good show. People aren't lying when they say it is, so, you know, if you're even vaguely interested in it, definately give it a view! I dunno about the opening sequence, though, it's pretty cheesy and stupid (I say this as I watch it again).
Also, I finished the book Brer got me for Chrissymas last night, "The Eyre Affair"? I was sorta complaining about it a bit in the beginning, as there were little conceits that I found unrealistic (but that's why they're conceits!) and just... the manner in which I knew basically nothing about this world and nothing was explained to me... but by the end, all that was out of my mind and I was simply enjoying it. ^_^ It was good stuff. I've said it before and I'll say it again, my Brer has good tastes. I'm going to start reading "Dress Your Family in Codouroy and Denim" tonight at work... yay? I can't spell.
Posted by poetfox at January 10, 2006 10:15 AM
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