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January 28, 2006

Tri, Bi, Metro, Omnisexual, Homo, Hetero, yo, I'm flexible...

Happy melinkingthingstime!
Essner showed me this amazing Ultimate Showdown video that you should be viewing RIGHT FUCKING NOW! So du it!
Hm, this list is going to be shorter than I thought. Oh well! Hey, now it's time for me linking to the scary comics I've been reading today! These normally fall under the category of things I only really share with my furry friends and maybe Justin Spants if I feel it appropriate, but, um, I'm linking them here! Huzzah! It all comes from this Clone-Army Manga site, and it's all sort of similar humor... if you like it, you know... you can find more.
From April and May Puppet Theatre: This.
From Nana's Everyday Life: This and That...
And finally, from the, in general, insanely scary tomoyo42's room: This little number.
The parents are so damn sick... I hope they get feeling better soon... and I hope they kick me out of bed tommorow if they need anything... heh...

Edit: I forgot about this one.

Posted by poetfox at January 28, 2006 01:01 AM


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