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January 14, 2006

This is why I'm not a hardware person...

So I try to get my processor running at the right speed, and it's not working, and it's not working, blah blah... so I put a post on AMD's help forums and decide to call it a night... then my HD starts beeping... the one that I thought I fucking fixed! Beep beep... my computer freezes... so I flip it off and reboot and... nothing. Won't boot into windows. So, of course, I do what any normal person would do. I start crying and sobbing and pacing around the room. I flip Jonathan's compy on, try to calm down... I decide to give it a try again... nothing... and again... nothing... I unplug my media hard drive again and... it works. And here I am. Functional compy, but down all my games, music, and movies once again.
I'm calmning down now. It's really sad that so many other things I won't cry about, but when I think I won't have access to my computer, I sob openly. I guess I didn't fix the problem with my HD last time, even though I thought I did... what brough it about, I wonder? Fuck if I know... I'll have to drag Droid over here to help me figure this shite out... and abandon the motherboard thing, unless someone on the forums gives me crazy good instructions...
*sighs* Heh, maybe I shouldn't upgrade this thing and just get a 360... heh... nah... for my birthday... they might have a bigger hard drive in the works by then...

Posted by poetfox at January 14, 2006 03:35 AM


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