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January 23, 2006
There she is!!!
Dare I say... OMFG? Perfectly put, Josh Mirman. Perfectly put.
So the tourney... well, it was fun, but we lost like TERRIBLE! Also, the guy Italked to when I called was a lying bitch when he said there were going to be no team tournies, so we brought three people to a Two Headed Giant fight. *sighs* But oh well. Yay for Magic, roadtrips, etc, etc. Also recorded a new Crappy Asst which I should post up there soon. I think it went pretty awesome, but everyone else seems to think it's not one of our best. You decide.
Schoolin'... blah. I got some of that to do tommorow. What's up with that, mann? Gawd.
Oh, um, my DS is not dead, although it was a close call. And... I shouldn't have taken Essner and Spants to the mall. They is not mall people. Heh.
Posted by poetfox at January 23, 2006 12:50 AM
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