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January 05, 2006
Podcastaways! (That has little to do with this post, but it's ALMOST witty. It just came to me!)
Diz-am! Not working all week means there is alot of podcasts to catch up on! Heh. Not that I'm complaining... TWiT and Wingin' It and Escape Pod, oh my! ^_^ It'll be hawt.
Escape Pod was having a poll for their best story of 2005 aka since they started. I looked at the selections... now, there isn't an Escape Pod story I ever DISliked. Some I thought were sorta... eh. Seamstress, that was eh, but listenable in a "I need to be entertained while working" sort of enviroment (And I think part of that was the girl who read it... she's read a couple, and I... I dunno, her voice is boring! I'm sorry, person! I just think it is!). I suggest you listen to ALL of the back-episodes if you wanna get your audio sci fi short story fix, you won't be disappointed. But in trying to pick the best one, I was kinda... I dunno. It was hard. I looked over the choices there and I enjoyed them all! But when I thought really hard, my two favorites had to be either The Deathtrap of Dr. Nefario (partially for nostalgic reasons, as that's the first Escape Pod I listened to, and partially because it takes a funny but realistic premise and does it very well and partially because they had good voice-acting work on that one. Heh.) and The Dream Factory (because the voice and guy they picked to do the voice was PERFECT! You could not have gotten more perfect. The story wasn't necessarily above and beyond the other wonderful entries, but the voice work was so amazing it just... shot it out of the park!). The Dream Factory wasn't on the list, so Deathtrap it was. I also beat Ecks into listening to it. He'll love it. It's tough love.
As you can or can't see, I am still happy! Yay! I have also figured out how to not make those big spaces in between paragraphs (unless I want to) in the Flock blogger, so huzzah! Flock is so exactly like Firefox only with extra stuffs that I appreciate, so... you know. I'm using it full time now. It's probably not for you, but, you know, if it sounds interesting do give it a download.
Posted by poetfox at January 5, 2006 03:14 PM
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