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January 12, 2006
Let me tell you about my boat.
Flock crashed last time I tried to write this. Mean ol' thing. Flock is usually so good! But then again, this isn't the completed product, so I suppose I shouldn't be suprised about having it crash once, hm?
We played a very hardcore game of Pirates tonight. I thought I was doing pretty good as I ganked an island in the middle full of gold with my fort, as well as emptying several other islands... but after a terrible roll on my part followed by the first time Justin Spaeth ever successfully hit something ever in a Pirates game, my Paradis de la Mer fell, and I lost over half my gold. Buchhiet ended up winning with a large gold collection of 25. I wasn't paying attention to him, I have no idea how he managed to get that much gold. I assume he used things like "Pirate Ships" which "explored wild islands" but again, can't be sure.
I love my fort (And apparently it's a common! Damn, but that's a good fort for a common...), but I also love my ships, and, randomly, I think I'm going to show them off, or at least my "core" fleet. First, the ones I shoot stuff with. My huge five-mast ship is the HMS Lord Algernon. With it's defensive ability and collection of intense 2 cannons, it's perfect for killing. My old killing boat, which I haven't used in awhile but I think will be making a comeback, is the HMS Leicester. It's special ability is CRAZY, to say the least, if it gets the jump on someone. Both ships pretty well need the one-two combo of Captain and Helmsman crew to be truly effective, though.
My fleet will, I don't think, never be complete without the Darkhawk II. This ship is amazing for taking treasure, which is usually where my strategy takes me (with a little fighting to draw attention away from my treasure-gathering ships... I went all treasure-gathers once and BAM, death). Although at maximum usefulness with Helmsman and Explorer on board (still leaving a crazy 6 cargo slots for booty), it's still fine without it, and, on top of it all, has fairly good guns to boot! This ship wins me games, hands down.
The last ship I use fairly regularly would be the HMS Algiers. Pricy, yes, but I'm a lucky bastard so, usually, it's special ability comes into play. And it's guns are very nice for sniping next to a bigger ship to help absorb hits. Honestly, I should probably leave it at home a bit more often, heh, but I enjoy it too much.
Those are my core ships... I honestly use the Cazador del Pirata fairly often as well as a ship with a large cargo that isn't useless in battle, but I'd be willing to part with it... what I really wish I had are some of the good small cargo ships, like Spants' Banshee's Cry or Crimson Coast's L'Intrepide. Those would be awesome to have... some more crew would be nice, too. But oh well. The thing about Pirates is you can buy... say... 10 packs... and then never really feel the need to buy any more. You can, but you don't NEED to. You already have a variety of ships to use to make just about any strategy work fairly decently. And I don't feel the urge to buy more. But I love the game.
Posted by poetfox at January 12, 2006 04:41 AM
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