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January 17, 2006

I've been doing alot of downloading...

Part of me wants to start planning for PAX right now... it would just be, simply, so fucking sweet, especially if I seduced someone into coming with me. Then again, who knows how much it would cost. Heh. Probably a decent chunk. Then again, alot of people get to alot of conventions on the sort of money I make, I'm sure... hmm... I wonder what their secret is... not eating? I can do that... stowing away onboard the plane? Perhaps I could swing it... I mean, I dunno. Heh.
I just talked to an MTGO support guy, and he was very nice! Perhaps I'll actually get the game installed now... that would be totally cool. Then again, I totally forgot to back up my decklists, so... heh... I'll have to do some deckbuilding once I get back in. Oh well.
I also wonder if Essner is serious about going to the prerelease... I can go Sunday... there are flights at 10 and 1, which seem like good times to have flights... I'll have to press him to see if he'll go.
Hm, his advice did not work... I'll e-mail him back and hope for the best. *sighs* Magic Online is far from the most stable thing... heh...
It's the first day of classes... can't say I'm feeling it...

Posted by poetfox at January 17, 2006 11:52 AM


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