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January 09, 2006
I'm not a complete loser! I wrote stuff!
A little late, but I posted two things over at Poetfox.com thus completing successfully the first week of my New Years Resolution. The Nanofic is old, and if you search the blog here, you can find it, but I still like it. It's called "Palm of His Hand." The essay is entitled, at least for now, "Jesus is my Shuffler." It has nothing to do with Jesus but everything to do with cards and them being dealt from on high, cause that would make the world a better place. Check them out if you read my shite. Still coming soon, an essay about Freeze Frame and my brother being better at being my friends friend than me, and Romantic Subplot, and my WriMo novel, now titled Every Other Day I Love You, and another work of Nanofiction my brain is percolating on... I'm going to keep writing things, dammit!
(Brer, you did cheer me up, see? I wrote stuff and am cursing for fun and everything! Heh...)
I might have aquired the new Goldfrapp album... it's... totally listenable, but besides Ooh La La, it's not... TOO amazing. Heh. ^_^ But not bad, not bad... I like Satin Chic... and I could see Ride A White Horse growing on me...
Oh, random thought, Mur was saying she was going to maybe play other people's essays when she's sick and doesn't write one on Geek Fu Action Grip? So I recorded one of my old ones I'm proud of. To listen to the vocal version of The Amazing, Exciting Potential, you know, click here. I'm going to create a slightly edited version for my parents to listen to... if, you know, they even care about what I write... heh...
Posted by poetfox at January 9, 2006 04:42 AM
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