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January 27, 2006
I should write an essay on retrogaming...
Know what I still suck at? The Call of Duty 2 360 demo. Heh. Every time I play it cause I'm at Best Buy for no reason I still suck at it. Although I suppose I have been learning to fire the Thompson in bursts, but...
So I got the Minibosses' CD. It's as goodlicious as I thought it would be. I do have to wonder how legal the whole thing is. I want them to make monies because they're awesome, but, you know... they're obviously not very far from the actual source material. The Black Mages varied more than they do... Jonathan seemed like he would be all excited about it and stuff? So I called him the moment it came in to tell him it was here and he hung up on me and I don't think he really got what I was saying, so... I guess not?
So me and my family have been down with the sickness. My mother has bronchitis or however you spell it. I'm feeling pretty good at the moment, actually, and this gallon of OJ is going to help me kick sickness into the ground and then step on its genitals. The Orange Juice combined with a day full of restlaxation (I just coined that word, use it and give me money) and perhaps a little shooting things will hopefully have me feeling fit for the overnight I'm supposed to do on Saturday. We'll hope for the best. I'm not going to be afraid to say I'm going home after Ad set, though, if I don't think I can make it. I got feeling pretty bad near the end of my double shift last night...
Oh, since this will knock it off the page, did you see that someone commented on my Geek Fu essay? I was shocked that someone took the time to track the page down and comment. Didn't notice until like a week later. ^_^
Posted by poetfox at January 27, 2006 12:34 PM
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