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January 06, 2006

I is part of the Democratic Process!

Fellow Missourians, I dunno if you've seen this, which Brer just showed me on Game Politics or whatnot, but it's very retarbid. It makes me wonder what people are thinking... do they not see the courts shooting these laws down in other states? What makes them think these are any different? Eh, fuck, I dunno. But I actually took a stand and called the guy's office. He said calls for and against were about half and half... so I guess it's good I gave another call to the, you know, "Fuck no!" side. It's not that I want all children to play GTA, of course. Even I don't play GTA. But it's a horrid double standard to impose these sorts of restrictions on this new media, and you know, if you do things like this you are just giving parents even more of an excuse not to get involved. Video Games are like any other media, mann! Give them respect!
I'm sure that paragraph of explaination why I was against the law was very sad. I did not do crazy research like Brer and write a pretty paper. Heh. But if you start labelling games as evil, even in the most restricted, sensible kind of ways, you put down the whole medium, you know? I dunno. But it was sort of exciting calling and talking to Nice Guy Ted who was telling me there was quite a bit of buzz on both sides about it and please don't hate Congressman you don't really care too much about! Heh heh. And surely that couple of minutes of phone call had more effect than an e-mail would have. Phone-callinz take more work!
I made two New Year's Resolutions, one is sorta... whatever, one is something I will need to work on. This amazing 2000 and 6th year I will create something every week (blogposts and Crappy Assts don't count) and I will read books during breaks at work. That's my resolutions. More upbeat than "become yourself" like it has been for the past couple of years, not that I've succeeded yet... heh... anyway...

Posted by poetfox at January 6, 2006 11:26 AM


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