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January 21, 2006
Happy Birthday to Jonathan, etc.
An extremely nice bunny just pointed me to this early Guildpact spoiler. Fun shite... heh... although I'm confused as to why they're using the Humble ability again... and excited by the Magemarks... yup. Anyway, you can look for yourself. I'm going to, you know, enjoy playing with these cards, though. I dunno what especially jumps out at me, though. I mean, I love white, but the Orzhov aren't really so much my style... oh, you never know.
I wrote, what I think, an awesome piece of Flash Fiction today... it's called "Depression Attack." It's not posted because 1) I still haven't gotten my upload capabilities back and 2) there is a part of me that thinks that, because I think it's so amazing, it isn't amazing. So I'm waiting for what Ecks thinks... and maybe a couple of other people... before I like... post it or something. Or, fuck, you never know. I'm feeling like I'm actually accomplishing things recently. Maybe I'll send it to Escape Pod or something. You never know. I'm all crazy. KA-RAY-ZEE!
So, it's Jonathan's birthday today, so yay for him for not dying. And yay for me, for I get to eat at Shogun today before work! Whooo! Yay for overly expensive but good Japanese food that I'm not paying for! Heh.
Oh, there's a sorcery that gives all your creatures Penetrate for a turn. Exciting? You decide. And I know Train of Thought will soon be a card that Prismatic or slow Extended game players everywhere will grow to hate online. Heh.
Posted by poetfox at January 21, 2006 02:16 AM
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