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January 02, 2006

Did I do anything this year?

It's a new year... I don't really know what to say about it... last year was... last year. I have a horrid time sense (No, seriously, past a week in the past, everything I do is just a huge blur... I can remember specific things I did, but my brain files them into very helpful folders like "awhile ago," "awhile back," and "in the past." Pinpointing a month in which I did something is hard, but sometimes possible. Finding the year in which I did something? Never, ever, ever going to happen), so I can't really go over what I did or didn't do, but not alot of it was particularly important... I made up with Natalie, I started going out with Brer... I played alot of WoW. I dunno. If you really wanna know, go back through the blogposts! I mean, come on, mann! But yeah, another year has started... will I make this one as pointless as the last? Probably. You never know.

New Crappy Asst up, along with some of the promo spots we've been doing. Give it a listen if you're bored.

I dunno if I like how Flock puts the little spaces in between my paragraphs... I think I'd rather have them be the non-spaced paragraphs like before... maybe I can find a setting for that somewhere... Eh, fuck it for now, though. This one will once again have the spaces!

I saw a thing on Digg about all the Source mods out there, and I was wondering about that myself, so I checked them out. This SourceForts mod seems just incredibly fucking sweet if it works like I think it should (I'm going to try it out after this), and this Dystopiathing looks like it would be pretty nifty if, you know, I knew what I was doing, etc. Rob at work was telling me about this Zombie Panic which doesn't have a Source version yet, but honestly does sound pretty sweet... anyway, we'll see what I can find and do and stuff and stuff and stuff... and stuff... Happy late New Year.

Edit: SourceForts I could not get in a good game of... and the contruction with the Gravity Gun is really kinda iffy... I dunno. Great idea, but... I dunno. I'll have to try again sometime. But I played that Dystopia? Damn, that was awesome! It's like UT's Assault mode, which I love, only with classes and a variety of different abilities and customizable loadout and shite. I highly recommend it. I'm fairly good at the shooting and the healing, and the shooting while healing, from my experience. This comes as no suprise to me. The other stuff, not so much... I tried some hacking near the end, and I was getting my butt beat down in cyberspace. Heh. Anyway, time to attempt to sleep... goodnight.

Posted by poetfox at January 2, 2006 01:54 AM


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