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January 08, 2006
"And now... his life goal... is to produce super strains... of soybeans...?"
I'm probably crazy, but I do find this entertaining. Then again, I just find the rant itself entertaining. I found it entertaining the first time I listened to it, and the little scribbles certianly don't hurt, you know? I was saddened they enjoyed King Kong, though. They are free to have their opinions, of course, but normally I agree with what they say, and, you know, since they do so much... I dunno... insulting of things, it does help if you're on their side as far as the entertainment value is concerned. I still enjoyed listening to them, though? I dunno. I should read their comic sometime too, honestly... I read the first couple of pages and then never got back to it. It had potential.
Draft tommorow. Huzzah? Huzzah. Magic is a fun game.
I'd write about feelings and stuff but I'm just in a bad mood to write about such things, so... yup. Have a nice night.
Posted by poetfox at January 8, 2006 03:33 AM
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