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December 23, 2005
Open Motherfucking Office! (Dot Org), a short review of Draw.
So, I'm making two custom calendars this year for people as Chrissymas presents. Both happen to be grandmothers. (My production has doubled from last year! Whooo!) I didn't want to use my brother's computer for everything because that would suck, and I don't have a copy of Publisher on this compy... so I decided to download OpenOffice 2.0 and, you know, try out their version of the Publisher-style program, called Draw. I was extremely impressed. It was just as easy to use if not more so, and it's open source and free and wow. It was great. Makes me want to use the whole office suite instead of the Microsoft stuff... the only problem, and apparently I'm not the only one with this problem based on Google searches, is that Draw does not have an easy way to make a calendar page that I can easily customize... and this is unfortunate, as I'm making a calendar! So it looks like I'm going to have to make the non-picture-related pages of the calendar on Jonathan's computer anyway... but yeah, if you want something like Publisher but have 0 dollars but some bandwidth, DEFINATELY use Draw... and I think I'm going to be using the rest of the programs as well... or at least giving Write a try, I don't really use Excel or Power Point or anything often...
Thus ends this minireview! It's Chrissymas party time, dammit!
Posted by poetfox at December 23, 2005 08:15 PM
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