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December 16, 2005

On an unrelated note, I love my computer as much as a girl can love an inanimate object.

New Crappy Asst is up. Yay? I mean, we do still keep making those, even if I don't mention them, so, you know, check them out. They are sometimes mildly entertaining. I am also extremely slow in posting them. There's another in the wings somewhere... It wasn't on the server, though, so hopefully Droib or Buchhiet has it somewhere...
Michael and Evo over at The Dragon Page are always saying like... that they want voice comments... and for the last like 2 episodes of their Wingin' It podcast (which I highly, highly recommend) Evo was all saying they were going to be short and it went really, really long. Well, I love to death that it's long. That's more of work that they're entertaining me! So, for once, I hit record on the iAudio after I was done and I recorded a comment for them, and e-mailed it to them like a couple seconds ago... you can hear it here, I think... if you really want to. It's like a little under a minute long. Also, work was crazy, mann, I worked from 5 until 2:30 in the morning! But wait... 2:30 in the morning? That's right, I got an extra dollar an hour for that monster shift. SCORE! I was actually pretty pleased. I have also figured out the bookmark function on my iAudio... but since figuring it out I keep getting to the end of MP3's of Good Omens (which I'm re-reading via sound after I run out of podcasts at work) since figuring it out, so I haven't got to use it yet. Damn.
I should really update the marquee and the Current Stats... yep... should really do that...

Posted by poetfox at December 16, 2005 03:28 AM


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