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December 11, 2005
NOOK'S! God damn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just spent a bunch of time cutting one of the songs out of the new TMBG podcast so I could have it only to find that it is the free download up on their site now. Oh well! Heh. I like it very much. It's called "I Enjoy Being A Boy" which is very not true in my case, but I like the song. Apparently it's a Banana Splits cover. Who knew? In any case, I give the TMBG podcast a big thumbs up. It's like a little piece of the TMBG clock radio to carry around in your pocket, with all their random scribbles. I dunno how often they're going to post new episodes, but, as I said, I likes it. If you like They Might Be Giants you should, you know, listen to it.
So, the ever-popular K.K. Slider paid his first visit to Pashal, my Wild World town tonight. I didn't have his setlist on me (since I had to play it at work, he starts playing at 8, when I had to be there. Blah.) so I couldn't suggest something (although I tried anyway... K.K. Disco is not on the setlist, at least not spelled like that. It was funny, he played something random saying it was K.K. Disco and then apologized for misleading me), but he played a song called K.K. Lament and it doesn't destroy my ears, so it's playing in my house now. It's not quite as sad as the title would make you believe. Nook also finally sold me a shovel today. About fucking time, Nook! Even just three days without a shovel sucked BALLS! I've already nearly destroyed my axe, too. I don't want a forest, I feel like too many trees, especially when they don't make fruit, are pretty useless. Especially the one that was right in front of the town flag so you couldn't see it. Chopchop. Also, I learned that if you try to open up your down to visitors, and someone on your friend's list has their town open, Copper will let you know and ask if you wouldn't rather visit them instead. Very nice, although I would like an indicator when a friend gets online even more.
I was thinking about turning the blog or whatever they give me on 1up into a purely Animal Crossing Wild World blog, but nah, you'll just have to stand my random Animal Crossing rantings here. If I make it separate, neither will be kept up with. ^_^
Oh, I also saw Narnia today. See it. I mean, see it. Disney did a great job. Definately a better view than Goblet of Fire, mann! Peter, however, is the master of horrid battle tactics. His army started on the high ground, with tons of archers up on a cliff ready to fire and then... he charged forward, off the high ground to where the enemy was, rendering his archers useless until he decided to retreat UPHILL... yeah, great planning there, son of Adam! I need to read all the books again... or listen to them at work... probably listen to them at work. Heh... I need to start listening to alot of audiobooks at work. Podcasts are awesome, but work is also a good time for me to... catch up on my reading? Heh heh...
Pandora is giving me shit for music tonight. Mean thing.
Edit: That was pretty interesting, I have to admit, although I think "speaking out against the RIAA" is a little harsh, considering K.K. has this whole "hippy" character thingy. He definately says that when he gives you a song. It's not an "aircheck" like in the one on the Gamecube, heh, he says it's a bootleg copy of his song. ^_^
Posted by poetfox at December 11, 2005 03:07 AM
I wouldn't say Narnia is better than GOF. Wardrobe is a pretty faithful translation from book to screen, but the book is so short, there really is no reason to leave anything out. Also it's been like three years since I've read Wardrobe... Harry Potter tries to make a movie from a book that's like a million and half pages, and though, I have some issue with what was left in versus what was left out, I don't really fault the director/screenwriter for the choices they made. Generally the things they added to Harry Potter were pretty good, and the things they took out were fairly useless bits of novel. Unlike the bastards who shit upon Chamber of Secrets. John Cleese is money and to willfully not include a potential John Cleese tour de force in your film is just sloppy filmaking.
Posted by: piman at December 11, 2005 02:48 PM
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