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December 10, 2005

More Animal Crossing On the Lines thoughts.

(Blah, stupid Brer's school network... didn't want him to go...)
Yay for peach trees! Or something.
Had my second online AC experience! Joining the AC: Wild World club on 1up seems to be serving me well... met with a very nice girl who's game handle is Serenity, apparently. Firefly reference? I dunno. She brought me peaches and was even nice enough to plant them all for me since I didn't have a shovel yet (Nook better damn well be selling one tommorow!). I gave her my one extra pear and all the apples she wanted. We chatted. She went to bed. Yeah, successful, I think.
In any case, here are my thoughts about onlining it up. I think that not being able to go to random people's towns is a mistake. I think that's what would make it fun! That's why I'm trying to build up a list of random people to visit and chat with! You should be able to open your town to anyone who wants to come, and then be able to refuse people or kick people out who are asses. You should be able to send letters to people in other towns that they will get next time they log on to the Nintendo WFC. You should have more than one short line per chat post, and you should have some sort of chat history so you can actually keep up a decent conversation. I mean, it's not like the top screen fucking DOES anything most of the time, why just have your visitor's last message up there? Why not a whole chat history? Seriously. I DO like the whole message in a bottle item that lets you write a letter that will land on the shore of a random person who connects to the Nintendo WFC, but why not be able to send one to a specific person, too? Gods...
In any case, I'm very glad the online part is there, and I'm going to use it very much yes. But it could have been SO SO SO SO SO much better! Come on, Nintendo! Mario Kart DS was PERFECT! Well, not perfect, being unable to fill out a friends game with random people is a bit annoying. But it was damn good, all the problems were nitpicky. This has bigger online flaws... you can do better. I believe in you! Make sure Hunters is more Mario Kart than Animal Crossing, mann!
Edit Holy Shit on a Stick!

Posted by poetfox at December 10, 2005 12:48 AM


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