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December 19, 2005
Mann, Darwinia is totally Airwolf! Or something.
We recorded a damn good special Chrissymas edition of Crappy Asst today... it's not up yet, but I'll be sure to tell you when it is. Droib posted another one we did that I haven't mentioned, though, so you can still listen to us be retarded, if you'd like. Jonathan and Essner also recorded some promos for the show that are fan-fucking-tastical. I think I might actually send them somewhere, because they're that entertaining.
Okay, so I was playing Darwinia until a little bit ago. "Another game you bought?" you say, and, um, okay, yes it is. It was off Steam, mann! I really like Steam... Dunno why, exactly, but I really like Steam... anyway, Darwinia... really cute, really retro, pretty spiffy, and very small on the space (The whole game is fucking 30 megabytes, seriously... but it looks gorgeous in it's stylistic way, you know?). Things I liked: It bleeds style, which is something that always puts a game high up there in my book. It combines a couple different gameplay styles... arcade shooter and RTS... and does it very well. Things I am not liking currently: Um, I have to restart the second level. My fault, I know... I was too slow collecting the souls of the viruses so I didn't make enough Darwinians to be the level... but it's frustrating. Also, herding Darwinians is frustrating, especially for long distances. I don't mind herding them, but why can't you put another safe zone for me to put them in every so often like you've done with all other important facilities, game? Tell me that! Gah, I dunno. The one little thing that blemishes a totally immersive gaming experience, you know? When you open the game up, though, the dos-like loader screen is fucking Airwolf.
Brer e-mailed me... he made it safe. Yay? Heh... I hope all my special plans... thing... for phone calls will work... I don't want him to have to run up his parent's phone bill, but it would be nice to talk to him... Eh heh... heh... anyway...
Droib keeps trying to send me this ISO so I can finish setting up mom's gift but it keeps fucking up... *sighs* Oh well, it'll happen at some point, I'm sure. It has to, mann! Before Chrissymas anyway!
Okay... um... bye.
Posted by poetfox at December 19, 2005 01:17 AM
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