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December 21, 2005
I wish people could fucking take my files!
*sigh* I'm frustrated. I don't get why people can't access my compy to get files off of it! I want them to be able to! I want my brother's computer to be able to get onto mine (since we're on a wired network...), I want my friends to have access over Hamachi... but no... it doesn't work. I don't get it. I can access other people's computers without issue! It's stupid. If anyone has any ideas, let me know.
In gaming news, I beat the penthouse level of Splinter Cell with a suprising 57%! Am I getting better? I don't know. It's probably because I actually completed the optional objective this time. Still working on Darwinia, too... the Air Raid program is pretty sexy.
Although I have not listened to it yet (that's for tommorow night), it doesn't seem like they played my Voice Thing on Wingin' It. I know this because I totally, you know, looked at the show notes. Yay for show notes! And you should totally listen to Crappy Asst's Christmas Special over here.
Things to do tommorow are: Write poem for Grandma's Chrissymas gift, make Sausage Pinwheels for work, waste rest of day. Things to do Thursday are: Make sure you have a gift for Grandpa, make gifts for both Grandma's, waste rest of day... yeah.
No new Magic articles really sorta depresses a person... it is a sadness that not even NoTix drafting starting on Thursday can fill.
Part of me really wants to use things like Flock and Del.icio.us and Protopage... and yet they do not fit into my browsing habits. I want to be all social like that, though, dammit! Oh well... One thing I think I COULD very easily work into my schedule thing is an easily updated and fiddled with group calendar thing... you know? Where me and all my friends could post our schedules so we’d know what was going on... you know? You know. Yeah.
Okay, enough blog. BLOG DONE NOW GO!
Posted by poetfox at December 21, 2005 01:18 AM
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