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December 15, 2005
I am proud of my new little deck... *sniff...*
So my plan for today was to get all the Chrissymas presents I have so far wrapped. That didn't happen because, um... BECAUSE I BUILT A DECK! It was totally at random... I was going to play more Splinter Cell but Ecks started talking to me so I pulled up Magic because I can chat and Magic and the same time... and although I like my previous creation (Which I have titled "BOOBY!") it is very gimmicky... so I decided to throw together a new deck... this deck used Thran Golem, a card that I'm all like "Why am I not using this card" and I decided to use Drake Familiar too and it kinda grew from there... and then I'm playing it... and HOLY FUCKING SHIT IS IT FUN! It's awesome! ^_^ The more Johnny strategy revovles around creating a huge Decendent of Masumaro and swinging in, but big enchanted Thran Golems do the job just fine as well... it's just a blast to play, especially since I'm such an enchantment lover... here it is.
Deck: HappyFun Aura Bouncin'! (Working Title)
Lands (21)
11 Forest
8 Island
2 Mountain
Creatures (20)
4 Thran Golem
4 Verduran Enchantress
2 Descendant of Masumaro
3 Drake Familiar
3 Graceful Adept
4 Sakura-Tribe Elder
Other Spells (19)
4 Flight of Fancy
4 Galvanic Arc
3 Kodama's Reach
4 Mark of Eviction
2 Moldervine Cloak
2 Sundering Vitae
I haven't tried it in 2HG yet, but I'm sure it'll be fairly effective there... most of my Aura decks are, since I can easily throw them on my friend's stuff to help them out... Anyway, it might be tweaked some more too, of course, but I'm so proud of the little deck... with so little planning it jumped right up to the top of my favorite deck list... It's pretty close to Enchantress' Revenge, I'm not going to lie to you.
Alright. Off to a monster-long work shift! HUZZAH! Have a nice night, people. And Merry Chrissymas!
Posted by poetfox at December 15, 2005 04:22 PM
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