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December 28, 2005
Hour and a Half before work. I just woke up.
I just woke up, but I gotta be at work in an hour and a half. CRAZYNESS!
Apparently my mom thought my "This is how I roll" Katamari Damacy shirt in some way represented that I was a girl. I mean, I am, but it has absolutely nothing to fucking do with that. I was a little mean towards her... I shouldn't have been... but dammit, I don't want to spend my 2 hours of free time today lying to her about being a boy. Bah.
I gotta get Brer's present in the mail, too... it didn't all work out quite like I hoped, but I'm sure he'll still like it... it's a little minor thing... heh...
So I've been working till 6 in the morning the pass few days. I'm going to make crazy money. The problem is whenever I get home I always want to sit down and write. But it's fucking 6 in the morning, so I go to bed, and when I wake up the urge is gone. It's really annoying. I wonder if I'll have the urge tonight, when I'll get home at a mere 2 or 3 in the morning... I could write an essay, I could write great essays. I could write an essay about how blogging keeps me from writing more essays and writing in general, talk about the pros and cons and how I hate the word "blogosphere." I dunno.
I haven't even gotten to play Shadow of the Collosus yet... I really want to sit down and like spend a whole weekend beating it... maybe I will this weekend... then again, I got alot of reading to do, too, and a New Year that probably will have parties associated with it, and a boyfriend who will be home again...
I'm listening to American Gods, since it's such a good book. Laura asked Shadow if he was alive, and he couldn't really say yes... I don't think I could say yes to it either... every year I make a new year's resolution along the lines of "this year I will be myself" with various variations, but it never happens... we'll see about this year, I suppose...
Gotta eat and mail and stuff before work... have a nice day, yeah?
Posted by poetfox at December 28, 2005 03:31 PM
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