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December 25, 2005
Chrissymas ends in 5 minutes... or so...
Well, Christmas is over... it went well, I think. I did a pretty good job buying presents, and I got most of what I wanted and some stuff I wasn't expecting... I got to spend some time with Brer a bit ago, and my family all day... yeah... it was pretty good. ^_^ I'm happy, everyone is happy... Yeah... now I just gotta work like crazy this week and relax... heh...
One thing that was coming out today, though, was, you know, Goldeneye: Source. It's pretty damn awesome, and if you own HalfLife 2, I highly recommend downloading the Alpha. It obviously still needs some work, but I mean, it's an Alpha. But it's totally sweet. I miss being Natalya, though... not many character models in the Alpha. But that's perfectly fine, it plays quite nice and the maps are just spot on! At least the Facility, I haven't played the other three yet... you really do need to keep the number of players down, though... max of 8, optimal like... 6 or so? I always thought four was a bit small, but the maps are so perfectly suited to the small groups... well, I mean, I got into a 16 player game, and it just... didn't feel like Goldeneye at all. Playing on a 5 player server was just great. Also, no Klobb yet. Yes, it might be just like being unarmed, so you'd think it wouldn't be too hard to impliment, but... you know. Not yet.
Anyway, Goldeneye: Source. Download it. Let's play it together, if you're bored... makes me wonder what other awesome mods are out there...
Merry day-after-Chrissymas, everyone. Have fun, okay? ^_^
Posted by poetfox at December 25, 2005 11:55 PM
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