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December 13, 2005
A letter I wrote to the Missourian because, well, was an idea.
Dear Mr. Sullivan,
Hello. My name is Matthew Long, a student at Southeast, and I would like to propose an idea for a column for your newspaper.
Video Games are only getting bigger and every year more and more kids pick up a controller and start playing. It is a huge industry, with worldwide sales being over half of that of the film industry, clocking in at $28 billion dollars a year (http://www.theesa.com/archives/2005/05/e3expo_2005_sta.php). Clearly, video games are here to stay, but with such controversy surrounding them in the media these days, parents who know little to nothing about video games are going to want more information. As a medium they didn't grow up with and as such don't understand, finding it in terms they CAN understand can be difficult if not impossible, making it hard to make good decisions on what they give their kids to play.
Enter this new column, which I have tentatively titled "Explainstation." A weekly or monthly column, depending on your preferences, Explainstation will talk about what's going on in gaming today, in terms that non-gamers can understand, so they can better mointor and take part in what their kids are playing. The column would cover such things as the biggest, latest game releases and what exactly their content is, consoles and peripherals (explaining what the peripherals are used for, why you would need them, and which consoles are better for which types of games), online gaming and how to keep your children safe, and what types of games you could play with your kids to bring you both closer together.
In this day and age, where the technology gap between children and adults continues to grow wider, it is even more important to understand what your children are doing, so you can bond with them and help them through life. I think a column like this would be a great help to parents in this area who might wish they knew more but simply don't have the time to research it. If you think this is a good idea, please let me know. If I have sent this to the wrong place, but you think it has merit, please also let me know. I appreciate your time in reading this. Merry Christmas and have a nice day.
Matthew Long
Just saving it here for the history books... and who knows, maybe some OTHER newpaper will randomly Google it and offer me vast riches? Eh, unlikely. Okay, off I go.
Posted by poetfox at December 13, 2005 10:04 AM
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