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November 25, 2005
SMOKEGRENADE! Bammitabammita oh, I'm dead. Hope I took one down with me.
That's how me playing Day of Defeat goes. I'm often useful...ish. I capture objectives and, as long as we're not talking sniper, take one person down with me. Snipers and machine gunners defeat me outright. But man, do I run like crazy, toss my grenades, and... die. Maybe get an objective. You never know.
I dunno why I decided to play it again tonight, but I did, and it was a ton of fun. I found a new server that's like... called iGo or something and it is full of crazy fun people who actually voice chat. Some too much, but what are you gonna do. I realized I could set the voice chat button to the scroll wheel click and after that voiceness was very simple and nice. And I passed! Yeah, fuckers! Anyway, I'll probably be checking back in with them...
Oh my, apparently they are some sort of Christian gamer group? Maybe I'm at the wrong page... eh heh... they were still nice guys, in any case.
Okay, yep, definately the Christian gamer group. Oh well.
I don't want to make Brer foot the bill in any way, shape, or form, but I would kinda like to play with him. Doubt he'd let me fund the purchase, though... Oh well, we'll find something to play together at some point, I'm sure. Plus, Steam's friend thing is still offline which makes it near impossible to meet up with someone anyway, so... yeah. If I get myself out of bed early enough I should go to Best Buy near the end of their sale and see if the PC version of Chaos Theory is as cheap as the console versions and if so, pick it up... those Co-Op missions would be fun as hell to play with him, even if I would be THE WORST SPY EVER! Spies aren't Kamakaze. I am. Yeah.
Tommorow night is my first "all nighter" shift of this holiday season. I think, if I had my way, I would work all night, sleep most of the day, then do stuff in the evening and into the night, if I was off, otherwise work again... yeah. I don't much care for mornings, really... Then again, that would leave less time for... sleeping... with... certian people... eh heh...
I wore that "I would like to let everyone know that I am a girl, and I like ribbons in my hair, and I want to kiss all the boys" shirt yesterday, and Spaeth reads it and goes "Ah, can I be first in line? Wait, you're saving that for Brer, right?" in front of like... Eric and Mr. McLain and stuff... there was blushing going on... eh heh...
Okay, enough with the bloggingz. WITH A Z!
Posted by poetfox at November 25, 2005 01:30 AM
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