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November 14, 2005
Polinate the flowers of fire! (Burn, Piano Island, Burn!)
I feel like I've sorta let people down by not blogging in awhile, however, I know that's shit. It's not like you all wait on baited breath for what I write here. If I'm wrong and you were waiting with breath that is baited, well, I'm sorry. I've been very moodly lately. Having a big ol' case of the "I'm useless." I really really want to get self-sufficent. I really do. That way, if I do waste my life, at least I'm not a drain on anyone else's cash flow. That's the thinking anyway. I dunno. In any case, been depressionary lately, and I don't want to fill the blog with that, so I didn't post. Sorry.
Mur's latest I Should Be Writing came out yesterday, and I was unable to wait until I worked tommorow to listen to it. Sure enough, she used my bump I made. It was odd hearing it. But awesome, too. And stuff. Heh.
I've got two bits of MMO news. One is Jonathan has started to play FFXI again. It's my fault, really, I kept showing him all the cool stuff from Milkman's blog. It rekindled the old love fire. Firelove. Whatever. In any case, he got the complete experience pack and is back into it. The interesting part is the thing had a coupon for a friend to play for a free month. Considering neither of us could think of anyone else who would possibly want to play, guess who currently has an FFXI account on Seraph? I'm thinking of going Paladin. Then again, the chances of me getting there during this free month are slim to none. I'm not all that gung-ho about it. But I've got the thing that lets me play in a window, and the pace of the game is so slow that, who knows? I might actually get somewhere. I can play while chatting with people and such, easypeasy.
Other bit of MMO news is that I played some Guild Wars last night. Robguy from work asked me if I had the game, and I'm like "Well, yes." so we got to talking about it and he invited me to his guild and to play. So I'm like, whatever, sure, I can heal. Then I got home from work and PvPed in the game for awhile (Monks die REALLY fast in PvP. I mean, it only makes sense to kill the healer first, but man, I get like triple teamed! I never have a chance!) until he showed up and got on, and then we did a quest and some leveling outside of Piken Square. Rob is a nice guy, and it's not like he did anything wrong (the other monk, though, pretty well annoyed me. He's all like "I'm in the middle of a group of enemies, revive me revive me!" and I'm like "Let's wait till the enemies are clear, okay?" but he wouldn't stop, so I revived him and, wow, guess what, he died. The worst part was he revived me in the middle of a big battle and in doing so let the other two party members die. *shakes her head* He also used Heal Area alot when surrounded by enemies. All in all, this guy was not a healer, even if he was a monk. The end.), but I dunno. It was a little weird playing with him, I will be the first to admit. I think it was because he's like... the first person I know in real life (and thus thinks I'm a guy) that I have played with in a game and not really known why I am using a female avatar. Made me feel kinda perverted or something.
Also, if you aren't using Pandora Radio for all your new-music-finding needs, seriously, what your problem, mann? (That's my new thing, it's looking like. The two-n-ed mann)
Posted by poetfox at November 14, 2005 10:00 AM
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