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November 03, 2005
My Childhood is coming back on DeeVeeDee!
Duck Tales and Rescue Rangers on DVD? OMG, man! OMG!
I am totally getting distracted from my novel by this. Wow. 2,789 is the current word count. Assuming I write like 1,300 more tonight before I bed (which is the plan) I will still be 2,000 or so words behind the curve. But oh well, that's not too bad. Some day the muse will really hit me hard and I'll catch up. All in all I think I'm doing decently. I need to, you know, make myself sit down and write during the day. Especially since a little something called Guitar Hero is going to be stealing tons of my time soon, as well. I was thinking about getting Mama to draw a picture of me all... GuitarHero-y. But then I read she was getting out of the commish business. So I'll have to go without random drawings.
Wow, Essner like... listed every single DVD set he'd rather own than Duck Tales on DVD. This coming from the man who put a question about Gizmo Duck on the last ND Trivia Night. Then again, I understand his stance. There are many more awesome things that our money can keep alive out there, you know? Active shows. Ones aimed at adults. I do totally understand. But I mean, come on. Duck Tales! Rescue Rangers! COME AWWWWN! Honestly, I'd probably get the Rescue Rangers before Duck Tales. I mean, I did totally devour that intense piece of Rescue Ranger fan comic I stumbled onto awhile back. (I blogged it, so, um, type in Rescue Rangers or something in the search box over there if you want to find it. I'm too lazy to. Got a novel to write, dammit!)
Anyway, going to grab a snack and try to write some more. Good luck, WriMo peoples! And good luck me! You can do it, self! You can do it!
Posted by poetfox at November 3, 2005 11:00 PM
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