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November 15, 2005
I dunno if you're a fan of ELOTH:TES, but I am. Tycho of Penny Arcade fame started a wiki to encompass all the information about this epic series. Obviously, I quickly jumped in. I have not had this much creative fun in a long, long time. I have been writing since 5 on this thing. It is an amazing feeling doing it, and to the 5 or 6 orther core people I've been working with mostly namelessly, you people are all fucking awesome. We should all have a interweb get-together or something. Also, Tycho mentioned me by name... er, handle. See? News post right there!
But seriously, check out the wiki and, remember, when you get confused as to what's being talked about, you know, remember that's the point and have fun.
It's not just my baby. It's a project of alot of people. But I'm proud of it. I'm going to keep working on it, for sure.
Posted by poetfox at November 15, 2005 12:08 AM
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