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November 05, 2005
Do you think I linked enough things in this post?
You know, I made an audio post tonight, but I don't think it's worth the webspace to put it up here, so I'm just going to type for a bit.
I know I hype Mur alot, but that's because she's just so fucking awesome. I have two pieces of Mur-related news. If, perhaps, you are wondering about this Mur person I mention every five seconds but don't want to have to listen to all of her podcasts, she's releasing just her essays in audio form at Podiobooks and, you know, since the essays themselves are fairly sort, you could just enjoy them instead of the whole thing. Check that out over here. News number two, Podcasts normally have these little clips that they use to fill in the gaps between edited sections. I've noticed that Mur's I Should Be Writing podcast has only had one. Forever. So I'm going to make her one. Fuck if I know if she's going to use it. I'll do that tommorow night, if work doesn't get out ungodly late again. I'll post it up here for you to hear, if you'd care for that sorta thing.
Okay, enough hyping of my favorite podcaster. What else is going on with me? Well, I'm still only behind a day in my WriMo, so that's nice. I had hoped to play catchup right now, but it's fucking 3:30 in the morning, so no way. Although it's not stopping me from typing a lengthy blogpost, of course. Hm. Go figure.
Also, as I mentioned below, Guitar Hero is a fucking blast to play. It's difficult, but very good at slowly working you up the difficulty curve. Totally awesome.
Why, yes, I own a playset of Brushland and Adarkar Wastes online, why do you ask? (I am totally fucking crazy, I swear.)
I didn't expect Penny Arcade to lead me to a good site to purchase Sanrio products, but they did. Sanrio is something I have not really indulged in since breaking up with Natalie. It's all really very pointless, I'll be the first to admit. But it's all so cute, I swear to gods. I don't need more Sanrio dolls, but chances are, at some point, I'll aquire more.
Mur (I can't keep from mentioning her! It's my one weakness! Or something!) mentioned a game in a recent essay in one of the Wingin' It podcasts I listened to tonight, and it really interested me, but I can't remember what the hell it is and the Wingin' It show notes are of no help in figuring it out. Blah.
I'm going to bed now. Um, good luck and stuff. See you in like... 12 hours, hopefully. But probably less, because the dog will wake me up.
Posted by poetfox at November 5, 2005 03:42 AM
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