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November 02, 2005

And honestly, it's completely true.

Click here to see what's true. You won't be disappointed. Unless you already saw it or something. Heh. But yeah, that's exactly what blogging is.
I haven't wrote any more on my novel besides what is below yet because my computer has been fucking up and generally pissing me off. My F: drive, where all my music and such is stored, continues to say it's disconnected. It's very frustrating. It affects me starting up and generally annoys me with popups and I can't get to my music and such. Brer has been trying to help me figure it out, but... we haven't figured it out yet. We'll see what happens. Perhaps the heavenly angel of computing, Droid, will come to my aid. Maybe.
Also, I finally gave in and got an account on Digg. So, you know, click here if you wanna check out what I've been digging. I'm poetfox on there, of course. Add me to your friends list! Tell me your name so I can see what you're digging, too, dammit!
Guitar Hero will like... never show up. Not until Nov. 8. This is sad. But at least I get to draft at 2 or so this afternoon. w00t?

Posted by poetfox at November 2, 2005 10:51 AM


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