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November 17, 2005

A Post to let you know I'm busy tonight, but Mario Kart rokks.

Just a quick post, alot of it to say to Brer, "Sorry, but I'm working like crazy tonight and won't see you, probably, but good luck with your papers!" I'm working from 5 till whenever we get the ad set done. Two trucks and an ad, baybee! I'm about to go purchase a supply of Bawls to deal with it.
However, Mario Kart DS fucking rocks. I mean, it does. I agree with what Mat thought about the A button as the gas, but other than that you couldn't really ask for much more from an online Mario Kart. I played the man behind Punks and Nerds last night in a 1 on 1 racefest... and got my ass handed to me. I really suck at the game. My record is something like... 1 and 20 online, and I'm having trouble beating the 100cc offline mode... heh... I'd like to see my sucky stats, only the Nintendo Wifi page's stat tracking still says the same thing it did when it went live. Perhaps it only updates once a week? Who the fuck knows. I also took the time to doodle a decent emblem for me and my cart. It's me! Fox-bunny girl! I mean, obviously, I'm no artist, but at least it looks like it. Alot of people online, I find, are transcribing NES sprites as their logo. I raced someone with a Scrooge McDuck sprite from the Ducktales game today. Pretty hardcore!
Anyway, lots and lots of work! And then Harry Potter tommorow! Fuckyeah! (As one word, even!)

Posted by poetfox at November 17, 2005 04:17 PM


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