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October 12, 2005
You should use the word Awesomepidity more often, now that I made it up.
So there was totally a Skunk or something of that nature trapped in Kohl's tonight. The morning crew is going to be in for a very interesting suprise, to be sure.
I'm like... not working at all next week! It's all hardcore and shit, man! Yeah! The week after that is looking fairly easy as well. Suppose a little time off is good? This also means I can go to the Decemberists concert on Sunday if I decide to, so that's exciting too, I suppose. Although that would be another quite crazy weekend... LAN party followed by concert mixed in with two days of solid work... yeah... pretty crazy.
Yeah, seriously, though, if you're around where I live (you know who you are) and want to do some hardcore Warcraft II and Starcraft old school LAN party ACTION this friday, then fuck, get over to Droid's. Seriously.
I'm downloading Fedora right now. I dunno why. Well, that's a lie, I know why. I'm going to try to install it on the old laptop that doesn't really work like a laptop because the battery is all not-functional. In any case, the laptop needs Wifi action to be marginally useful but a Windows install that would be current enough to make it work without insane numbers of headaches would make the older machine run like shit. (Look up the minimum requirements for Diablo 2. That's what this laptop is). So the scheme, at least way back when, was the Fedora would run nice and smooth and be able to support the Wi's AND the Fi's and generally be kinda spiffy like that. My mother could then use the OpenOffice to do her... officing and she'd be happy, even though she'd have to learn OpenOffice. Also, I dunno if I could get it to print off the network, but, you know, if I could then that would be spiffy. Anyway, that was the plan back then. Now, though, she's like... retiring in a year and doesn't seem to be typing as much stuff (or I'm at work when she does and Jonathan can just WoW on my computer and everyone is happy...) so this whole plan got put on the backburner. Well, I'm a simple girl. I'd say about 75 percent of my time on this computer is used chatting, surfing, or writing, either for my blog or other things. I don't need such a powerful compy for that. An older machine that could do all that and run smooth would be just fine for me until I wanted to do the gaming, right? So if Fedora works on there like I think it should, I could have a chattingwithpeople box for my room when I feel like laying in bed instead of sitting in here until the odd hours of the morning and probably waking my parents up when I go to my room. Now, all I know of Fedora is that it is Linux-based (I've never worked with Linux before) and what little I gleaned from when Droib installed it on his laptop on a whim. Installation seemed very, very painless. It seemed like it had a chat program like Trillian packaged in, as well as OpenOffice and a web browser that I am assuming is Firefox. Being on AIM and surfing the web is all I need. And if I can recognize my Thumb drive and/or my MP3 player and/or transfer files through my network then I'm totally fucking set, yeah? Of course, figuring all this out will be a problem. I'm not even totally sure if I'm downloading the right type of Fedora download. I picked the one that looked like it was for older systems, so here's to hoping I did it right. In any case, that'll be an adventure I rambled on for too long about but will keep you posted on.
When I got home from work, I was gonna try out the awesomepidity (a new word I just coined by combining awesome and stupidity. I should get a medal for my awesome. Or at least my awesomepidity) that is Rag Doll Kung Fu, but it won't let me play it until the afternoon. Bastards. Having not played it, I don't entirely know what to expect, but what I'm hoping to expect is something with the most retardedly fun yet competative multiplayer the universe has ever seen. I'll let you know if that's true.
Posted by poetfox at October 12, 2005 02:45 AM
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