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October 21, 2005
This is a Post. POAST!
This Comic contains craziness, lesbian romance, and a cute kitty. It gets an A+. Read it, bitches!
I really need to write something. My constantly-referred to Mur said something along the lines that a real writer can write when they aren't inspired. I can do that, but I hate doing it. Alot. This week I have... I normally feel very lost in life and just kinda drift. I mean, that's my normal state. But this week I've been... extra... that way... I'm such a waste of space, seriously... blah.
I still haven't cemented into an idea for my NaNoWriMo. My current line of though involves doing my Tailrazor arc (which I need to rename, probably, as I recently rediscovered where my subconcious ganked that name from... although it's so different from my use maybe it's not a big deal... I dunno...) but at the same time, the entire idea behind me designing that was to create incredibly over-the-top character designs, designs that, well, wouldn't work very well in text.
I should just write something very boring. Something very real. Something so real, but quirky, that it's no longer boring, even while it's boring... that's the kinds of things I want to write. But I never seem to be able to.
Posted by poetfox at October 21, 2005 12:23 AM
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