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October 06, 2005

The MMO Forcast, with your Gamerologist, Poetfox!

So I just recieved a nice e-mail that informed me that City of Heroes accounts will also power City of Villans accounts and vice versa aka you only pay one fee to play both. That's good, but expected news. It keeps the people who've been playing CoH since it came out there for a long time to come, now that they'll be able to fully PvP with their heroes and grind up totally new villan characters, and it doesn't change any increased cash flow from new players interested in being the bad guy. the CoH people have always seemed to truly appreciate their fans (with their Issue updates adding even more impressive features than the features added in the WoW updates (although Blizzard is definately doing a good job with that, but they just add another dungeon and little tweaks. These Issues have added new story arcs and sometimes totally new abilities or ways to customize your hero. That's huge.)).
I've always really liked City of Heroes even though I've only played it for maybe a total of two months. The game has style, the Debt system isn't too hindering, and the game has style AND the game has style! Plus, I don't think I've ever met a jackass in the game, which, honestly, I think says alot considering I didn't join the game near the beginning so I've only really partied with people's alts, etc. My plan is to max out Arl by Chrissymas, get City of Villains for Chrissymas, then get into that for at least a solid couple of months, leveling my hero, Crossfox, and a healyvillain I'll roll up after I see what kinda healingness villans can do! Heh. But we'll see, of course. Only the most dedicated can serve two MMO masters, and the WoW expansion will be looming on the horizon about that time. Who knows? I wish I could play CoH, but WoW is just so fucking sexy. SEXY, I SAY!
Plus, there will be plenty of stuff like Guitar Hero to distract me from MMOing anyway.
Also, BlizzCon is really fucking sweet. Makes me wish I could go. Although I think PAX would probably be a better bang for my con-going buck. Perhaps I should start scheming to make that happen next year...

Posted by poetfox at October 6, 2005 02:38 PM


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