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October 17, 2005

The Joys of Screaming "TAKE THAT!" at my DS. Also, transstuff.

I picked up Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney today in order to help distract myself from nervous. It's worked pretty well, so far. The nervousness is just sorta a vague feeling today has, as opposed to, you know, solid scaryness. My thoughts on the game: Fun as hell! The yelling into the mike thing adds nothing, but I like it anyway. The concept of a lawyer pointing out a contradiction with evidence and yelling TAKE THAT! at the witness to do it is humorous. The game doesn't take itself seriously and is decently written thanks to that. It's extremely linear. Playing it again will gain me nothing. But it's been hella fun and I figure it'll only get better as I play through the rest of the Episodes, as they call it in the game. Also, I'll pass it to Spants afterwards to feel like I got my money's worth and spread the love. Yay?
The actual appointment with the psychatraguy... um... I dunno. I'm sorta left feeling lost. I was hoping he'd help guide me, set up some sort of... plan... for me to follow, but it still seems so open ended and vague... I dunno... it hasn't made me feel like I took a step forward, even if I did... and it's honestly got me re-worried about the whole process. But I'll make it. I will. Yup. I will.
Gonna be... hard... though... *sighs*
Phoenix: OBJECTION! I don't see how this has any relevance to this blog!
Edgeworth: OBJECTION! This has everything to do with this blog! It's my client's personal thoughts, and these are some of the most personal! The whole point is to get them out there!
Judge: I see your point. Objection overruled. Come on, Mr. Wright, stop sucking.
Phoenix: (Damn that Edgeworth... how am I going to win this case now?)

Posted by poetfox at October 17, 2005 03:08 PM


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