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October 08, 2005

The Black Mages and Essaying.

I am a total retarded for not realizing that The Black Mages might be on iTunes. Heh. If you haven't heard of The Black Mages, well, one, you suck (just kidding... OR AM I??? I totally just pulled a Bucchiet there!), and two it's Nobuo Uematsu's rock band. And if you don't know who Nobuo Uematsu is you obviously aren't a gamer. In any case, they play intensely rocked out versions of Final Fantasy battle music, and, needless to say, it's fucking awesome. Thank you, 1up Feature on Fandom for making me think of checking iTunes.
Still haven't written an essay. Debated writing one on music, but then decided I couldn't do a good job while being rocked out. It would be too stream of conciousness. So we'll see what I write tommorow. (My weeks start on Monday, so there. *sticks her tounge out at you*)
I've also decided that I should make a book of new written works for my Grandmother for Chrissymas. She's asked me a couple times recently if I'm still writing and mentioned before that she still reads the book of poetry I made her around when I entered college. So perhaps it's time for another, I'm thinking. Only problem with that being that, well, alot of my written works use female pronouns and such now? So what do I do with those? Edit them? Not use them? And if I don't use them, that really limits my choices of what to include. Anyway, it's going to be something i'm thinking about in the future. And if you see essays appears that seem a little... held back it's probably because I'm trying to write something to go in there.

Posted by poetfox at October 8, 2005 11:53 PM


I don't think you need to change your work. Writers often write from the perspective of characters of different genders (hell, different species), so why should you change your work if you don't have to? I say give the poems to her as they came to you. Altering your work because you're worried about what others think compromises the integrity of the work

Posted by: ~X~ [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 9, 2005 10:21 PM

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