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October 17, 2005
So I get up on my own, oh I get up on my own...
Wish I could more often, honestly.
So there is apparently a series of Half Life 2 Deathmatch maps that put you as a teeny tiny little person in one room of a huge house. They're a bit confusing at first, but they're totally cool. Throwing huge toys at people with the Gravity Gun? Fuck yeah.
I also have been playing alot of Day of Defeat. It's more fun that I gave it credit for. Although I am not good with the weaponry, the general setup of the games is cool, with the variety of choke points and serious teamwork being needed to push past... yeah... heh... that machine gun is crucial! I see the point of it, definately, although I'd never use it. Gods no.
I've also found I enjoy grenades very much. Just, you know, in general. If I have a grenade in any of the games I've been playing, I use it. Even when I probably shouldn't. I've especially enjoyed the smoke grenades in DoD, because, well, I can toss them just for fun without teamkilling? I could probably deploy them more effectively than I do. Mostly I just toss them ahead to annoy enemy machine gunners or just for fun. One of those two. Also, I wish they were on the Support loadout. I wanna like that one the best, even though I don't. Because I can't fire it's semi-automatic rifle worth shit. But I wanna. I mean, look at the name. Support. That sounds so nice, you know. Support. Yeah. Support. That's something I wanna do. But I can't hit shit with that rifle. The assault loadout is apparently needs to be nerfed or something, but that's probably the best for me. I can actually kill people with that one. Also, I get grenades. Yay grenades!
I've really been shooting things alot lately. Who knew I was such a shooter fan? Not me. Apparently I'm making Brer get back into the idea of Deathmatch. Heh. If only there was a good way to play a standard shooter multiplayer with two people... heh...
Meanwhile, in another train of thought...
Okay, here's my idea for the night: Survival Horror Game, right? Instead of a flashlight (or until you get the flashlight as an item) you have to use your cell phone. People do this all the fucking time, I do this every time I walk in a dark place (and I tend to avoid turning on lights if I can at night, so it happens often), and in most survival horror games it would make total sense and be a totally cool thing they could play with. Here's a scene: You've got a guy stalking you, calling you to scare you, you know, standard horror movie type scenario. The lights go out. There are monsters. Your phone won't let you make a call for some reason. You start wandering around, using your cell phone as a flashlight... you see a monster for a second, or maybe fight one... and then... the phone rings... do you answer it and give up your light source...? Or do you let a possible means of help get picked up by your voice mail...? Yeah, fucking awesome, right? I'm a genius.
Posted by poetfox at October 17, 2005 02:06 AM
That idea for a video game, much like your face, sucks more than I care to mention.
Posted by: piman at October 19, 2005 12:33 AM
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