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October 28, 2005
Secret of Mana ONLINE!!!!!!!111Oneone!!!!
So while I was randomly chatting tonight I had a revelation. And that revelation was there had to be some SNES emulator out there that had internet play working well and enabled. I mean, there were shitty versions of internet play years ago when I used to emulate, there had to be perfect versions out there now! So I found ZSNES (which works, in general, a million times better than the Snes9x I was using anyway) and it has Netplay and me and Draco got it working. And this means I CAN PLAY SECRET OF MANA ONLINE WITH PEOPLE! Getting two of my friends to play SoM online would be HARDCORE! Especially if they were hooked up in the Skype department. Totally hardcore. Or even just one friend (Brer? Would you be interested? Heh heh heh...). Anyway, I'm totally excited about this development. I tried to get it running with Tol, but his compy was just too old, unfortunately... it happens... sorry, Tol!
HOLY CRAP! I gotta get Bomberman for this thing, too!
I'm so excited about the retrogaming! Whoooooooooooooo!
Posted by poetfox at October 28, 2005 01:53 AM
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