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October 15, 2005
Post-LAN Post (LAN Post)
Well, everything seems to be re-hooked up again. Goodgood.
It's 4:19, and I should get to bed, but, um, I'm still wide awake. Thanks, Bawls! I'll go as soon as I post, though. Even I'm only so crazy, even if I do feel a bit gypped here.
The LAN party was fun, and it helped me get over being all pissy about work, which sucked because, well, because they love to punish us for working hard. I'm really not down with that. I want to be rewarded for my hard work. Anyway, enough about that. We podcasted, and it's filled with questions and stuff. Last week's podcast which Droib did not edit until tonight will be up tommorow, with some LAN party special edition coming later. It's pretty retarded. I think the best line from me was like "You weigh a bear." That should probably tell you what kind of high-quality entertainment you have to look forward to.
Anyway, we were planning on this LAN party being all Old Skool with like Warcraft II and Starcraft... but nobody brought their copy of Starcraft and Warcraft II (non-Battle.net edition) wasn't going to work easy on current networking tech. So we, um, swapped alot of files... and then we all set up copies of UT2k4 of questionable legality (although, in all fairness, when you put out an offical patch that disables checking for the disc when you play, what kind of message is that sending? Seriously.) and played the various non-deathmatch modes. We started with a game of Onslaught, which is a mode I've never really liked, and tonight's game didn't sell me on it. The highlight of the game was Jonathan constantly bitching about not knowing the rules. It's not hard. It's not fucking hard. All I remembered was that there were vehicles and nodes and I figured it out pretty fast? Blah. Anywho, that went bad. Then we played three games of Assault, which is always a fun mode, but since Droib wouldn't play so we'd have fair teams (another mystery: why hold a LAN party if you're not going to game?) we were just taking on bots, so it was pretty well a slaughter all around there. Jonathan's bitching continued through the first mission, but stopped at the second because it was that Carrier map and everyone knows that one. Finally, we played a long game of Gunball or as it is actually named, Bombing Run. This is my favorite game type, honestly, in UT. It's like football with guns. When you pick up the ball, your life slowly regens, and you get stuck with this ballgun, right? And you can either shoot it into your opponent's goal for a field goal and three points or jump into the goal hoop with the ball for a touchdown and seven points. And you shoot people alot. Anyway, I really like that mode. We lost because Essner's computer was being crazy slow joining these games for no reason and thus we were one man short for awhile, letting the computer get two early touchdowns. We managed to hold them back and get a touchdown and a field goal before time was up, but we totally lost.
And then Droib is like "Okay, go home." And we're like "Wha-what? This is a LAN party? We're supposed to be up all night?" And he's like "I got things to do, I gotta get to sleep." This caused us all to wonder why he decided to host the LAN party. Cause I mean, really, it was just finally getting going, gamingwise. But, you know, whatever, sleep isn't bad. Just confusing.
If I learned one thing from this LAN party, it's that it would be easier if I had a flat screen. Next time I splurge... next time... (I need to save for therapy now, though... holy fuck, the first one's on monday.) If I learned two things, the second would probably be something along the lines of... ummm... Justin Spaeth Sucks. OOOOOOOH! BURN!
And that's my LAN party report. Spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace Channel 5! La daaaa daaaaaaaaa! La daaaa daaaaaaaa...
Posted by poetfox at October 15, 2005 04:33 AM
It was kind of a bummer stopping at 4, especially since we didn't get started till like 11. But it was also nice to not sleep all day satuday. Eh... what are you going to do?
PS: I had MY copy of broodwar.
Posted by: piman at October 15, 2005 01:21 PM
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