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October 03, 2005
Plots and Red Bull
On my way home, I stopped to buy cheese for the sammich I am planning to have for lunch, and there in Schnucks I saw the Red Bulls, right? Now Schnucks stopped selling Bawls awhile ago for reasons beyond me as they were always sold out of them? Bawls is the only energy drink I've really had and I really like Bawls. It has a very unique taste that takes most of the first bottle to get used to, but after that you could have as many Bawls as you'd want in a row, you know? The taste grows on you quick and then you're hooked. Anyway, I decided, since I love caffiene so much and I can't get Bawls around here, maybe it was time to expand my Energy Drink horizons and try the classic one everyone drinks. So I bought one along with what I was getting.
Oh. My. God. Red Bull is one foul substance! It's not a... terrible flavor, perse, but it's so very, very... something... Bitter? Sharp? Sour? I dunno how to describe it. It starts okay and then I just have to pucker and go "EHhhhhh!!!!" or "Uhhhhhh!" I'm doing my best to finish it because it does have energy instilling properties and is fairly expensive, but ye gods, it's going to be hard. With Bawls, energizing is a pleasure. With this, it's sort of a painful necessity, like injecting something into your eye to stay alive or something. In any case, I don't believe I'll be purchasing a Red Bull again. That monthly shipment of Bawls option on Thinkgeek is looking very tempting right now.
In NaNoWriMo news, I just got inspired and I'm, like, totally going to attempt to develop this new idea enough to make a whole book about it. We'll see what happens. The title I affixed to it so it would have one, which is probably not what it'll end up being, is Covert, but you never know. In any case, I'm excited I came up with an idea that has potential.
I gotta finish reading Pleasure of My Company so I can read Anansi Boys. Yup. Read MirrorMask cause I randomly bumped into it and it's short. Damn, I wish the movie was playing around here. I hope I remember it so I can gank the DVD right when it comes out. (It was annoying that the copy I was reading had pictures from the movie interspersed with the original art? That was pretty stupid. I hate it enough when they change covers based on a movie coming out, but that's even worse, even if the movie was directed by the artist! Come on!)
The. End. Gods, I doubt I'll be able to finish this Red Bull. My goodness, that's nasty. *takes another drink* Ack, gods...!
Posted by poetfox at October 3, 2005 10:24 AM
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