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October 01, 2005
No, I'm serious, see Serenity now.
If you haven't seen Serenity please, just stop reading this and look up the next time it's showing near you, cancel any plans and get ready to go. Then you can, you know, read some more.
I'm going to be spoiler free, besides spoilers I totally make up, like this bombshell: The writing on the side of Serenity is mispelled in the film! It says "Seremity." Seriously.
But yeah, the movie is as awesome as hyped. Do yourself a favor and see it.
Because I was bored, I changed the folder in which I have my Iron Chef movies to have the Kitchen Stadium logo as it's icon, and changed the picture it shows to one of none other than HIROYUKI SAKAI! Fuck yeah!
Wow, it shows Sakai as the movie "cover" now when I watch an episode... eh heh...
Posted by poetfox at October 1, 2005 05:58 PM
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