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October 03, 2005

NaNoWriMo, bitches. One Month Away.

I really need to get planning.
There are so many random stories in my head only halfway fleshed out, I don't know what to choose or if I should choose any of them! Also, do I try to write what I want to write: real stories about people that's just... character development and... real! Or do I write what seems to come more naturally, something in a more scifi or fantasy type enviroment? I just don't know. But I'll think about it. Oh yes, I'll think about it.
Be sure to check out the NaNoWriMo website, which I just now checked out even though I'd been planning on doing this for awhile. Heh. Poetfox.com will probably likely go on a quasihiatus during November because of the thing, but I'll probably keep a latest version of whatever novel I start working on up there during the timeframe. It'll be shitty, though, all unedited. But it'll be there?
Unless a new character pops into my mind, I have a feeling I'm either going to try to flesh out Little Lady Luck (a little magical casinoful adventure) or try to make Wren and Mink's story work (they've been sorta... real. I wanna do a "real" story with them, you know? No wacky, perse, no magic, just... real.). An adaptation of my half-musical, Family Values, or my only marginally concepted Transitions is not out of the picture either. Honestly, though, fully new inspiration would be nice. I'd love to start totally clean. But we'll see. We'll see.

Posted by poetfox at October 3, 2005 01:22 AM


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