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October 27, 2005

My opinions are apparently valuable.

Apparently Sega wants me to be in a focus group for them? And they'll pay me for it? And it's over the internets? I dunno. I recieved an e-mail. Sega sends me random crap every so often due to my brief playtime on PSO: Blue Burst but this wasn't the usual "OMG look Sega game released!" They listed two different times for Focus groups a week from today and offered me 75 dollars for an hour and a half of talking about games? So I'm like, well, I suppose I'll at least check it out. It was certianly a very elaborate ruse if it's not genuine, and didn't ask me for anything unreasonable (like credit card information). If it's the real thing that'd be amazing. I just hope the parents don't distract me during that time. It'd be hard to convince them I'm working, if it pans out. But that amount of money for having a minute say in the gaming industry? I'm in! The only thing I worry about is... well, I filled out the form using my male name, because IF this pans out and I get paid, well, the bank is gonna wanna see the name the account is in on the check. However, I also picked "Female" under the gender choice because, well, it forced me to pick. I never pick that if I have to, but I mean, they're asking gender so they can tell what kinda person they're getting the information from, right? And I'm a girl. So I put female. So there. That might cause problems, though, but I'm gonna sorta hope not. I suppose I'll see tommorow or so if I actually get into the thing. I'll keep you informed.
My Name is Earl is a good show. The Office (American Edition) is alright. Nothing to be excited about, but alright. Iron Chef is still the shit. Whee.
The game is Saturday. That's like... the day after tommorow. I don't feel prepared. But oh well. It'll be fun. FUN, I SAY! If you're playing, be ready for... fun. It's not nearly as intense as this looks to be, though. Makes me wanna, you know, take a trip to play it.

Posted by poetfox at October 27, 2005 11:10 PM


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