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October 10, 2005
Like a Mathlete, only without the M.
There is alot of Ultimate Frizbee going about like wildfire amoung my group of friends. It's like an epidemic, man, and they keep trying to bring me into their fold, man! Man! So they did that last night. I wasn't really for or against. But everyone else was like "Fuck yeah, Frizbee, fuck yeah!" Fuck yeah? So we get out there and I'm all like body-checking people and like... running and shit. Totally out of character stuff. And they're doing the "Who's... the man... who's... the... man..." routine.
What the fuck, man. W. T. F.
I also used the word fuck more than normal yesterday.
Since today is Fake Holiday Columbus Day (and apparently like... Canadian Thanksgiving? Who woulda known?) there will be no mail. Which means I still will not have my Ravnica box. Aww, sadness. Although fuck if I know when we're going to draft it. This next weekend is hella busyfull. I can't wait to, though. I still love you, Magic... I loves you bad... and even though you're going to make me broke buying your Dual Lands, I still loves you...
Now would be about the time I'd be waking up on the normality if Frisky hadn't... you know... woken me up. So instead I'm sitting here, listening to The Black Mages and writing a fairly bad blogpost. Who woulda thunk?
Thunk is an interesting word, but really, not as fun as fuck, I don't think...
I've recently realized how hard they were reaching to compare Squall to a lion in FFVIII recently. I mean, his Japanese name was Leon for crying out loud.
Gods damn, port some Final Fantasies to PSP, why don't you? Money. In. The. Bank! And it'll give me something worth shit to play on my PSP.
I'm off to bathe! Whee!
Posted by poetfox at October 10, 2005 08:05 AM
Canadian Thanksgiving was f'ing awesome.
Posted by: Hegg at October 12, 2005 10:27 PM
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