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October 24, 2005

Last Night

So I had a dream last night where I woke up in the basement of my old house and a friend (I cannot remember who the hell she is but it's a she and I know I recognized her) was standing over me and had good news, because apparently while I was asleep, my friends had gotten me those breasts I'd always wanted.
I don't dream often, but when I do it's... retarded.
I also had a big... thing... last night with Draco and Ecks. It annoys me that I can get the most upset and whatnot when people are trying to help me and be supportive. Of course, it annoys me that I can break down like that anyway, so...
I also played a game of Day of Defeat last night. I was on the Nazi side and on the allies was a sniper named "DIE JEWS... DIE!" which was a bit ironic.
I also watched an episode of America's Funniest Home Videos last night (at my parents insistance aka command, of course). This is a show I used to watch with my parents all the time when I was little, which is probably why the parents wanted us to watch it with them... nostalgia? (But then, why wouldn't we have watched Next Gen, huh? We used to watch that together too, and that stuff is awesome, but of course. Engage, bitches!) But the show, while obviously no longer starring Bob Sagat (not that I think him hosting would change anything) is far from entertaining. I laughed maybe... once. In any case, it was a sorta akward waste of my time, which is unfortunate, because, you know, I want to be able to spend time with my parents.
I also watched an episode of Squidbillies last night. Normally, what stuff is on Adult Swim... if I don't find it funny, I understand why it's there. Squidbillies is garbage, and nobody in their right mind would find it entertaining. Nobody.
Thus Ends The Blog Post.

Posted by poetfox at October 24, 2005 01:54 PM


Oh my gosh, I love squidbillies.

I guess it's definitely a case where one man's trash is another's treasure ^_^

Posted by: Angie [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 24, 2005 02:42 PM

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